Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Beginning a new blog

Hi fellow RPG gamers!

Foremost, I think I need to present myself. I'm a French gamemaster who play RPG since 1993 (AD&D 2nd edition). In my gaming life, I've playing countless tabletop games like Rolemaster, BattleTech, Nightprowler, Dream Ouroboros and many other games. I came to the hobby when I was 13 if my memory is good, at school and I always liked to create worlds, characters and adventures.

I now work in data management in a big company in Brittany, but my brain is always full of adventures, characters, wonders and magic.

With this blog, I want to share with you some of my thoughts, inspirations and rules about roleplaying games and specially about the old school roleplaying games. They are my second true love (after my adorable wife) and I like discussing about them.

Three years ago, I discovered the OSR movement, and my flame is renewed. I hope to share it with you on this blog :)

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