Wednesday, May 20, 2020

New Threat Pack: The Bandit King

The Bandit King is a new Threat Pack for Beyond the Wall, inspired by the Threat Packs presented on Further Afield. The Bandit King can be a Pirate King if you prefer (I use the Pirate King version on my Caribbean style campaign).

The Bandit King is a charismatic chief who have rose in power in the last years. He has gathered around him more and more men, filthy rogues, thieves, robbers or scums to form a real threat for the all region. The Bandit King has appointed some officers, and each officer has created his own band of bandits who serve the Bandit King.

The Bandit King begin with 3 bands of several bandits (2d10+20 bandits HD1), with some veterans bandits (1d6+2 bandits HD2) and an officer (HD4). One of this bands is the Bandit King's band (double all the results, but the officer is the Bandit King HD6).

Each band is named by the name of his officer, for example Rothar "Silver Hand" band is an appropriate band name.

At the beginning of the campaign, the Bandit King has an Imminence Rating of 4. If chosen at the beginning of the campaign when the character creation occurs, you will need to use this table below. At least one player character need to roll on this table during creation.

1d4How did the Bandit King affect your childhood?  Gain
 1 One of your relatives have joined the Bandit King. The other villagers don't forget that, and it's a shame for the whole family. -1 Cha, +1 End
 2 One of your siblings was killed by the Bandit King's mens, and you barely escaped in the woods for many days before getting back to home. -1 Wis, +1 End
 3 You saw a merchant caravan attacked without mercy by the Bandit King's mens, and saw how dangerous and inhuman the bandits can be. -1 Wis, +1 Int
 4 One of your parents were killed by the Bandit King's mens while protecting you during an ambush. The Bandit King himself spared your life, but you'll never forgot his evil smile.-1 End, +1 Str

The Bandit King's bands begins with 3 bands and the Gamemaster needs to choose the hexes where the bandits had their camps. Each week, you can roll the Imminence Rating with a d12 and if the dice result is less or equal than the Imminence Rating, you roll on the table below.

 1d8 Threat Effect
 1 The Bandit King has created a new band and appointed an officer for commanding it. Choose an hex and create a new band here.
 2-3 A band attacks a village and loot it. Choose a random village, the nearest band is responsible for the attacks.
 4-7 A band is ambushing travellers on the road. Choose a random road: this road is not safe for travelling for one week. The nearest band is responsible for the ambush.
 8 The Bandit King wants more. The Imminence Rating raises by 1 point.

For each officer killed (with his band disbanded) the Imminence Rating lowers by 1 point. But the threat will disappears only if the Bandit King himself is killed.

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